

Organized by tag for your reading pleasure:

Intro to Jordan’s Blog Abroad: France 2007-2008
Fed up with southern California, I applied to study abroad for my sophomore year of college. What a decision! It was the catalyst needed to spark the erratic bohemian lifestyle calling me thereafter. My parents always laugh at this sequence of posts, witnessing me change from a strict bodybuilder i…
Locked Down in Argentina 2020
After over a decade of life on the road, suddenly I was going to be a parent. Whoops! Little did we know a “pandemic” would also hit the world and we’d be stuck in one of my least favorite countries--ever--for the whole year. This is a work-in-progress, as life suddenly
PBC: The Ex-Backpackers of Bangkok
The first “Post-Bohemian Chronicle.” A full-length book about my hedonistic year living as an English teacher in Thailand.
fiction - Jordan Urbs
memoir - Jordan Urbs

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