Where 12 months can bring you...

...turns out pretty far, if you decide to put in the work.
Where 12 months can bring you...

Hey everyone, I know it's been a while. I've been busy, in all the right ways.

Lots of life updates to share, but recently I've been vomiting out all the lessons I've learned in the last year of learning business and contemporary entrepreneurship online.

I want to offer you the chance to check it out, the link is at the end.

First, here's the story:

A year ago, I had no income. Didn't consider myself an entrepreneur. Had skills but no idea how to package or communicate the value I could offer others.

So I took out a loan and got into credit card debt in order to invest in myself.

Today, life is a lot more comfortable. I've built an income doing what I love, with only clients that share my values and are pleasant to work with.

It's been a wild journey, with plenty of pivots. I'm still in debt but have also saved a humble amount of Bitcoin.

In a recent fit of inspiration, I compiled everything I've learned in the past year as a 14-day e-mail course, written to support that version of me starting out a year ago.

It's an exploration through 4 interweaving realms:
• Content
• Business
• Higher Purpose
• Self-Realization

I'm curious if this can be helpful for people, so I'm putting it out (for free) to a small group of aspiring or growing solo entrepreneurs this week.

If you find yourself in a position where you're ready to get more sovereign over your life,

making money doing your own thing
while thriving on creativity
and human connection,

or you simply want a fresh perspective on your perhaps stagnant entrepreneurship journey, then maybe you'll want to check this out.

Either reply to this e-mail or click the button:

More updates on life and our move to El Salvador coming up soon!

Much love.


About the author
Jordan Urbs

Creating Authentic AF Content

Read my reflections on life, building a brand-facing business, and cultivating a life of freedom in my weekly newsletter, The Multi-Purposeful Content Hour:

Jordan Urbs

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