
Organized by tag for your reading pleasure: Intro to Jordan’s Blog Abroad: France 2007-2008Fed up with southern California, I applied to study abroad for my sophomore year of college. What a decision! It was the catalyst needed to spark the erratic bohemian lifestyle calling me thereafter. My paren…
I spent many years NOT following basic YouTube audience engagement guidelines in order to maintain my integrity as a filmmaker and storyteller. Those days are over and I’m a total sellout now, but the proof of my work remains. The following are some of my favorite long-form pieces and series
Gourshanne - Loved One (Unreleased Full Album)You can find the Loved One EP on Apple Music, Spotify, or any of those--but have you heard the full album? These tracks were all written/recorded on various coasts of Australia while traveling with (yes, you guessed it) a loved one. It

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