When that burning excitement invades your consciousness one fateful day,
choosing you from a realm beyond thought or physical sensation,
and marking you so strongly that you know hiding is futile...
When it tells you that it’s finally time to do the work
and put the message out into the world…
You gotta do it.
More and more of us find ourselves in that position as the world changes—this is the age of the digital creator after all, and we’re entering the new era of authenticity.
A few days ago on X, I mentioned I’d had an inspiring moment lead to me making an announcement:
It’s an offer.
(I’ve already mentioned it in emails, so I'm not going to talk about it in this post, and instead share with you the behind-the-scenes story and how it mirrors the problem the offer solves.)
I haven’t put out a public offer since last year, due to a variety of reasons:
- still processing the results from my coaching cohorts in 2023
- getting busy with agency clients
- putting together a video creator’s course and collecting feedback
- BUSY! moving from Hawaii to El Salvador
But this month, the 3 brands I work with most closely with were all suddenly launching offers, and my head was in the space for it.
Not only that, but thanks to simple commitment and the passing of time, I’ve got all my ducks in a row to actually propose some serious value.
Unlike others I’ve developed, the timing of this offer has me very emotionally un-attached to its success because I’m not as desperate for the income—
—so I am using that calmness as an opportunity to inject into it all I’ve learned, give it all I’ve got, and see what happens.
What’s needed to make a compelling offer?
- Value to share
- A market to target
- Social proof
- Sales page
- CONTENT to communicate it
It’d become clear to me that the fruits of my labors had ripened while I was out there grinding, and all those necessary ingredients were ready for me to cook up a beautiful offer.
So I got to work.
My core goal the last few months has been to develop the ultimate routine for consistent content posting, so I wouldn’t have a problem ramming the point home when it came time to bring attention to something.
See, I’ve learned a lot by working with clients this year. People’s issues with video content creation are normally one of the following:
- Confidence and camera presence
- Technology
- Systems-building, workflow and ROUTINE
Sometimes it’s all three.
For me, and pretty much most people, #3 is always the final boss. And I’ve focused on defeating it over the last few months.
In the age of authentic video, all it takes is 1 hour per day to have a consistent presence, if you have the right system.
It was this final challenge that ushered in that burning inspiration that made it all click: I can prove the effectiveness of the offer with my own online presence.
And that's what I've been doing: turning it into a lifestyle. Achieving it requires me to break through mind blockages, inner resistance, and external challenges.
(…which is exactly what this offer supports you to do.)
So all at once, this offer of mine manifested clarity for my online presence, helping focus the value proposition of the content I so diligently create. It illuminated the blueprint of all my seemingly scattered-efforts and showed me one coherent picture.
And what better way to feel ALIVE and PURPOSEFUL than to feel FOCUSED and CLEAR on what you’re creating and putting out into the world?
That’s a story worth sharing, as far as I’m concerned.
I’ll leave you with a glimpse of the Content Vine, which is a reminder of how building online can act as a pipeline for all the important things in life:
And if you're curious about the offer, reply to this e-mail, go read my last e-mail or just make sure to open the next one 😄