Contact Me

I'm a busy guy these days, but there's a few different ways you can get a hold of me.


First, you can always DM me on Twitter. I do love making new connections, and as long as you don't sound sales-y, I'll probably respond.


A great way to get to know new people while still "working" is to invite them onto my podcast, Sovereign States of Mind.

If you think you'd be a good guest, reach out to me on Twitter and we can set a time. It's a good content collaboration opportunity that others can find value in as well.

1:1 Calls

If you're interested in gleaning value from me in a direct conversation, something in-depth and personal, we can talk.

We can cover anything you want, but generally people like to talk to me for advice in these realms:

  • Content strategy
  • Video editing or feedback
  • Bitcoin, Bitcoin, Bitcoin (and why you should steer away from other cryptocurrency)
  • How to get started homesteading

I have traveled to 50 countries, I speak 3 languages, and I have a vast array of experience with topics like:

  • yoga and meditation
  • psychedelics and plant allies (like ayahuasca)
  • developing personal sovereignty
  • creating healthy relationships

So if you choose this route to extract knowledge from my brain, I aim to make it as valuable of an experience as possible for you.

However it may be, I look forward to hearing from you!

You can keep up with my creator journey in my newsletter, in the meantime.

Create & Be Sovereign!

Join my email letter for weekly reflections on my creator journey to sovereignty.

Jordan Urbs

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